Friday, 28 November 2008

Updates ... Pictures

The office is rather quiet today.

I can’t wait for my trip to Hong Kong next Friday …
Yeah, I can get to spent time with dear

I will be eating the famous roast goose over at Hong Kong … Yummy !!!!

Melinda is currently away for a holiday at Italy and I can imagine that
she is enjoying herself right now. We will catch up once the both of us
are back. I am not sure if Cherisse is going to Bangkok.

Things that I want to get when I am at Hong Kong.

- Milk Magazine – 2 Sets, 1 for me and 1 for Melinda
- Belts – To wear with skirts
- HP accessories
- Disneyland T-shirt
- Disneyland Ear-Rings
- Disneyland Keychain
- Shoes
- Nice Tops If any - 2 Tops

Here are some pictures taken recently

© 2008 AngelineBubbles

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